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Tristeza marina

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Tristeza marina (Sadness of the Sea) is the title of a tango written by Horacio Sanguinetti in 1943. The music was composed by José Dames and Roberto Flores.




José Dames
Roberto Flores

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Horacio Sanguinetti


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Tristeza marina

Tú quieres más el mar,
me dijo con dolor
y el cristal de su voz se quebró.
Recuerdo su mirar
con luz de anochecer
y esta frase como una obsesión:
"Tienes que elegir entre tu mar y mi amor".
Yo le dije: "No"
y ella dijo: "Adiós".
Su nombre era Margot,
llevaba boina azul y
en su pecho colgaba una cruz.

Mar, hermano mío...
En tu inmensidad
hundo con mi barco carbonero
mi destino prisionero
y mi triste soledad.
Yo no tengo a nadie.
Ya ni tengo amor.
Sé que cuando al puerto llegue un día
esperando no estará Margó.

Mi pena es tempestad
que azota el corazón
con el viento feroz del dolor.
Jamás la olvidaré
y siempre escucharé
sus palabras como una obsesión:
"Tienes que elegir entre tu mar y mi amor".
Triste, dije: "No"
y escuché su adiós...
Su nombre era Margó,
llevaba boina azul
y en su pecho colgaba una cruz.

English: Sadness of the Sea

‘You love the sea more,’
she said to me with sorrow
and the crystal of her voice broke.
I remember her gaze
(full) with twilight
and this phrase, like an obsession:
‘You have to choose between your sea and my love.’
I said ‘No’
and she said ‘Goodbye.’
Her name was Margó,
she wore a blue beret
and a cross hung upon her chest.

Sea, brother of mine...
Into your immensity
I sink with my coal boat,
my imprisoned destiny/my prisoner’s destiny
and my sad loneliness.
I don’t have anyone.
I don’t even have love anymore.
I know one day, when I arrive at the port
Margó won’t be waiting (for me there).
My sorrow is a tempest
that lashes the heart
with the ferocious wind of pain.
I’ll never forget her
and will always hear
her words like an obsession:
‘You have to choose between your sea and my love.’
Sadly, I said ‘No’
and I heard her goodbye...
Her name was Margó,
she wore a blue beret
and a crossed hung upon her chest.


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