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Template: Quote

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To add a quote to your text, use the following template call on a page, substitute the italic variables with your input. The styling will then be applied automatically.

How to use

{{Quote|Quote text|Source URL|Source display text}}

This is the name of the template, do not change or omit.
Quote text
Copy the original quote text, including spelling errors, punctuation etc.
Source URL
Copy the entire and exact URL where you found the quote.
Source display text
Source: usually works well, but you can also write your own text, e.g. include the name of a person.


{{Quote|Tango en Punta is the only international tango festival with inclusion of people with disabilities. It is celebrated twice a year in two different landscapes: Punta del Este and Bregenz. Our festival is the culmination of Asociación Tinkers' activities carried out throughout the year with "Embracing Tango", a platform to inclusion and tango.||Source:}}

Tango en Punta is the only international tango festival with inclusion of people with disabilities. It is celebrated twice a year in two different landscapes: Punta del Este and Bregenz. Our festival is the culmination of Asociación Tinkers' activities carried out throughout the year with "Embracing Tango", a platform to inclusion and tango.