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Te odio

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Te odio (I Hate You) is the title of a tango written by Celedonio Flores in 1929. The music was composed by Francisco Pracánico.




Francisco Pracánico

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Celedonio Flores

This tango explodes with the hatred sprung from the treason that shattered a love and a life. The poet, full of rancour, wishes the worst for the woman he will continue to curse until the day of his death.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Te odio

Hay cosas que no tienen razón ni sentido,
hay hechos que no tienen explicación...
Así, al conocerte, mi gran cariño,
sin ley ni motivo, de golpe nació.
Viniste a embarullarme la dulce existencia
pues yo sin tus engaños ya era feliz.
¡Parece mentira que, siendo tan linda,
guardés ese fondo tan bajo y tan ruin!

Te odio, maldita;
te odio como antes te adoré.
Dios quiera que un día volvieras a mí
buscando refugio, vencida, sin fe...
Entonces podría cobrarme tu traición...
¡Es tanto lo que te odio
que al verte sufrir me vengaré!

Sabés que todavía no puedo explicarme
por qué placer maldito me hiciste mal,
si yo por tu cariño dejé a mi madre,
enferma, solita, sin techo, sin pan.
Has roto mi existencia. ¡Cobarde y rastrera!
¿Por qué voy a tenerte conmiseración?,
si cuando agonice será mi postrera
palabra una eterna, fatal maldición.

English: I Hate You

Some things don’t have a reason nor make sense,
some facts cannot be explained...
Like that, without law or motive, when I met you
my great love was suddenly born.
You came to mess up my sweet existence,
since I was already happy without your trickery.
I cannot believe that, being so pretty,
you would keep such a low, callous heart!

I hate you, damned woman;
I hate you as I once adored you.
If only God would grant me your return to me,
seeking for refuge, defeated, faithless...
Then I could collect the price for your treason.
My hatred is so strong
that in seeing you suffer I will have my revenge!

You know I still can’t explain to myself
in exchange for which evil pleasure you hurt me.
For your love I even left my mother
sick, all alone, without a roof on her head and without bread.
You have broken my existence. Coward and despicable woman!
Why should I have mercy on you?
When I agonize, my final word
shall be an eternal, fatal curse.


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