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Por las calles de la vida

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Por las calles de la vida (Along the Streets of Life) is the title of a tango written and composed by Enrique Cadícamo in 1942.




Enrique Cadícamo

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Enrique Cadícamo

Love got lost, somewhere along the streets of life, but the memories remain, inexorable and strong, within the poet’s heart. He recalls the woman’s tenderness and, regretfully, his own bad habits that once caused her to suffer. Contemplating a sad, dreamless future, he cries over the painful absence of that love.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Por las calles de la vida

Por las calles de la vida
nos perdimos vos y yo.
Quién se va a olvidar las penas
cuando esas penas
son como antojos...
Quién se va a tragar el llanto
cuando ese llanto
sube a los ojos...
Ella está en mis tristes días...
Ella está en las negras noches de mi drama...
Y ella está en mi vida oscura
como una pura
copa de alcohol.

Por las calles de la vida
nos perdimos vos y yo...

Ya no tendrás que esperar
y que llorar de madrugada...
Ya no tendrás que sufrir
rencor por mis calaveradas...
Ni el pañuelo que planchabas con amor
coqueteando en mi bolsillo lo pondrás.
Ni ese beso de enojada
que al regresar
siempre me dabas...
Hoy te falta todo aquello
y a mí tu corazón.

Por las calles de la vida
nos perdimos vos y yo...

Quién me va a decir: ¡Olvide!...
Si aunque la olvide
la llevo adentro...
Quién me va a decir: ¡Borrala!...
Si me acorrala mi sufrimiento.
Nunca, nunca se me olvida...
Ya mi vida se ha hecho un nudo con su vida...
Y hoy mis sueños se derrumban
sobre la tumba de esta pasión.

Por las calles de la vida
nos perdimos vos y yo…

English: Along the Streets of Life

Along the streets of life
we got lost, you and me.
Who will forget the sorrows
when those sorrows
are like cravings…
Who will swallow the tears
when that weeping
creeps up to the eyes…
She is in my sad days…
She is there, in the black nights of my drama..
And she is in my dark life
like a pure
glass of alcohol.

Along the streets of life
we got lost, you and me…

You’ll no longer have to wait
and to cry at daybreak…
You’ll no longer have to suffer
rancour for my wild escapades…
Nor will you place in my pocket, flirting,
the handkerchief you so lovingly ironed;
nor that angry kiss
that you always gave me
when I came back…
Today you’re missing all that
and I, your heart.

In the streets of life
we got lost, you and me…

Who’s going to say: Forget!
If even though I forget her
I have her inside of me…
Who’s going to say: Erase her!
If I’m cornered by my suffering.
I never, ever forget…
My life has been tied into a knot together with hers…
And today my dreams crumble
onto the grave of this passion.

Along the streets of life
we got lost, you and me…


Further links
