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Por eso grito

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Por eso grito (That’s Why I Scream) is the title of a tango composed by Edgardo Donato und written by César Córdoba.




Edgardo Donato

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Cesár Córdoba

His beloved has died and before her inert body and opaque eyes, symbol and denounce of his own failure, the poet lets out a heartrending scream.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Por eso grito

Grito... de mi alma atormentada.
Llanto... de una pena desatada.
Sombra... que se desangra en la noche
como un extraño fantoche
con las dos alas quebradas.
Grito... que brota como un reproche
de aquella turbia mirada.
Se fue un día mientras la bruma
de gris cubría sus negros ojos.
Se fue alejando mientras mi grito
quiso aferrarse a sus despojos.
Lloró la noche, lloraba el viento,
su voz opaca ya no gimió.
Se hizo más grande mi desaliento…
¡Por eso grito, porque partió!
Pena... por tu voz que está callada.
Rezo... de una lágrima asomada.
Ansias... que se agigantan en la noche,
como este extraño fantoche
de las alas quebradas.
Grito... que brota como un reproche
de mi vida fracasada.

English: That's Why I Scream

Scream... from my tormented soul.
Weeping... of an unleashed sorrow.
Shadow... that bleeds out at night
like a strange puppet
with both wings broken.
Scream... that springs like a reproach
from that cloudy look.

She left one day as the mist
covered her black eyes with gray;
she went away as my scream
tried to hold onto her remains.
The night wept, the wind cried,
her opaque voice didn’t moan anymore.
My discouragement grew bigger...
That’s why I scream, because she departed!

Sorrow... for your quiet voice.
Prayer... of a brimming tear.
Longing... that becomes huge at night,
just like this strange puppet
with the broken wings.
Scream... that springs like a reproach
from my failed life.


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