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Percal (Percale) is the title of a tango written by Homero Expósito in 1943. the music was composed by Domingo Federico.




Domingo Federico

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Homero Expósito


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Percal

¿Te acuerdas del percal?
Tenías quince abriles,
anhelos de sufrir y amar,
de ir al centro, triunfar
y olvidar el percal.
Camino del percal,
te fuiste de tu casa...
Tal vez nos enteramos mal.
Solo sé que al final
te olvidaste el percal.

La juventud se fue...
Tu casa ya no está...
Y en el ayer tirados
se han quedado acobardados
tu percal y mi pasado.
La juventud se fue...
Yo ya no espero más...
Mejor dejar perdidos
los anhelos que no han sido
y el vestido de percal.

¿Por qué vas a llorar?...
¿Acaso no has vivido,
acaso no aprendiste a amar,
a sufrir, a esperar,
y también a callar?
Son cosas del percal...
Saber que estás sufriendo,
saber que sufrirás aún más
y saber que al final
no olvidaste el percal.
Tristezas del percal.

English: Percale

Do you remember the percale?
You were fifteen Aprils old[1],
you had longings for suffering and loving,
for going downtown, to triumph
and forget the percale.
Road of the percale...
You left your house,
maybe we heard wrong.
I just know that at the end
you forgot the percale.

Youth is gone...
Your house isn't there anymore...
And in the past, stranded,
they have remained, cowering,
your percale and my past.
Youth is gone…
I'm not waiting any longer…
It's better to let them be lost,
the longings that never were
and the percale dress.

To cry...
Why will you cry?
Have you not lived,
haven't you learned to love,
to suffer, to wait
and also to be silent?
They're things of the percale...
To know that you're suffering,
to know that you'll suffer even more,
and to know that at the end
you haven't forgotten the percale.
Sadness of the percale.


  1. A literal translation of the original verse in Spanish would be "you had fifteen Aprils". It is a poetic resource, not at all uncommon in Spanish, to refer to years as "Aprils" or even "Springs." The fact that in the Southern Hemisphere it is Autumn during the whole month of April, might hint that the expression is of European, most likely Spanish, origin.

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