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Pa' qué seguir

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¡Pa' qué seguir…! (Why Go On) is the title of a tango written by Pedro Lloret. The music was composed by Francisco Fiorentino.




Francisco Fiorentino

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Pedro Lloret

The poet, disillusioned and exhausted after a great love that left a strong pain in his heart, wonders if there’s any reason at all to go on, when all that awaits along the road of life is further failure and anguish.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Pa' qué seguir

Con la noche enfrente,
dolorosamente a mi conciencia pregunté,
¿pa’ qué seguir?...
Cada paso por la vida
es un fracaso,
es una herida más...
mientras que luchando por no ser y por vivir
me despedazan el deber y mi sentir.

Y por pensar
cuando volvió llorando
buscando mi piedad,
pidiendo mi perdón...
en el barro, más la hundí, riéndome...
llorándola después...
después, cuando al partir
vivía en el drama
de estar solo
solo con la voz de mi sentir.

Trágico dilema,
drama sin final,
llama en que se queman tantas ansias,
tanto mal
por este amor
que me llora su agonía
hora tras hora,
más todavía, más...
noches y más noches sin morir ¡no vivo yo
más que una angustia dolorosamente atroz!

English: Why Go On

With the night in front of me,
stirring me up,
I painfully asked my conscience,
why go on?...
Every step in life
is a failure,
is another wound...
while fighting not to exist and to live,
the duty and my feelings tear me apart.

And to think
that when she came back crying
looking for my mercy,
asking for my forgiveness...
I, looking at her,
sank her deeper in the mud, laughing...
And I later cried over her...
Later, when I left
and lived in the calamity
of being lonely,
alone with the voice of my feelings.

Tragic dilemma,
endless drama,
flame that burns so much longing,
so much pain
over this love
that cries its agony to me,
hour after hour,
and even more, much more...
nights and more nights without dying,
I don’t live but a painfully atrocious anguish!


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