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Me están sobrando las penas

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Me están sobrando las penas (I Have Sorrows to Spare) is the title of a tango written by Carlos Bahr in 1944. The music was composed by José Basso and Argentino Galván.




José Basse
Argentino Galván

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Carlos Bahr


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Me están sobrando las penas

A mí me están sobrando las penas,
tal vez porque me lo tomo a pecho,
tal vez porque sé que me desdeña
y queriendo como quiero
y esperando como espero
no he logrado que me quiera.
Me están sobrando las penas
y con penas duele más la soledad.

Suerte que tengo un corazón
hecho al rigor de cien esperas.
Si habré perdido esperanzas,
aguantado malas rachas
y si habré domado penas...
Mas yo sé bien que no es vivir
andar así, siempre golpeado,
sin un cariño que alivie este sino
de andar esquivando el dolor.

A mí me están sobrando las penas
tal vez porque nunca tuve suerte,
tal vez porque siento a mi manera
y tal vez, y lo más cierto,
porque vivo padeciendo
por su amor, que se me niega.
Me están sobrando las penas
y con penas duele más la soledad.

English: I Have Sorrows to Spare

I have sorrows to spare,
perhaps because I take it too seriously,
perhaps because I know she disdains me
and loving the way I love
and hoping the way I hope
I haven’t managed to make her love me.
I have sorrows to spare
and with sorrows, loneliness hurts more.

I’m lucky to have a heart
forged in the harshness of a hundred waits.
I’ve lost so many hopes,
withstood so many bad streaks;
I’ve tamed so many sorrows…
Still I know well it is no life
to go around like this, always beat up,
without a love that will ease this fate
that is to go on dodging pain.

I have sorrows to spare,
perhaps because I was never lucky,
perhaps because I have my own way to feel
and perhaps, and most surely,
because I live suffering
for her love, that’s denied to me.
I have sorrows to spare
and with sorrows, loneliness hurts more.


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