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Maldonado is the title of a milonga written and composed by Alberto Mastra in 1943.




Alberto Mastra

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Alberto Mastra


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Spanish: Maldonado

Les voy a recordar el tiempo pasado
cuando Palermo fue Maldonado
y yo en la gran Nacional
trabajé de mayoral.
Y voy a recodarle algunos detalles
que sucedían siempre en la calle,
cuando con su cadenero
al tranvía algún carrero
quería pasar.

Dale que dale, dale más ligero
a ver quién sube el repecho primero
y orgulloso el conductor
lo pasaba al percherón.
Dale que dale, dale más ligero
y atrás dejaban al pobre carrero
repitiendo al mayoral
si le sobra deme un real.

Yo soy del Buenos Aires de ayer, compañero,
cuando en las tardes el farolero
con su escalera apurado
la sección iba a alumbrar.
Después con su pregón familiar el sereno
marcaba hora tras hora el tiempo
luego el boletín cantado
dando así por terminado
un día más.

Dale que dale, dale más ligero
total ahora ya no está el carrero
ni el bromista conductor
ni el sereno y su pregón.
Dale que dale, dale más ligero
total tampoco existe el farolero
dale y dale sin parar
hasta que me hagas llorar.

English: Maldonado

I’ll remind you of the past time
when Palermo was Maldonado
and I, in the great Nacional,[1]
worked as a foreman.
I’ll remind you of some details
that would always happen in the street,
whenever, with his horse,[2]
the driver of some cart
wanted to get ahead of the tramway.

On and on, go faster
to see who climbs the steep slope first,
and, proud, the driver
passed the percheron.[3]
On and on, go faster,
and they’d leave the poor cart driver behind,
repeating to the foreman
‘if you’ve got some to spare, give me a coin.’

I’m from the Buenos Aires of yesterday,
when, in the afternoon, the lamplighter
with his ladder, in a hurry,
lit up the block.
Then with his familiar cry, the watchman
told the time, hour after hour,
and then the sung bulletin,
thus considering one more day

On and on, go faster,
(what’s the difference, anyway),
now the cart driver’s not there anymore,
nor the driver full of jokes,
nor the watchman and his cry.
On and on, go faster,
(what’s the difference, anyway)
the lamplighter doesn’t exist either,
go on and on, without stopping,
until you make me cry.


  1. Nacional: Tramway line.
  2. cadenero: Horse tied to a cart with chains, ahead of the other horses pulling the vehicle.
  3. Percherón: Horse breed, originally from France. In Spanish, though, the term percherón can be applied to any strong, work horse.

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