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Loca de amor

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Loca de amor (Mad With Love / Lovefool) is the title of a tango vals written by Pablo Podestá. The music was composed by Enrique Caviglia.




Enrique Caviglia

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Pablo Podestá

The poet sings the story of a woman who, having lost his beloved in the war, wanders alone around the hills and is thought by everybody to have gone mad with love.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Loca de amor

En los anchos de montes frondosos
do la vida pasara el paisano,
vaga sola en el suelo pampeano
una loca con lánguida faz;
esta loca que en tiempos pasados
habitara en las horas de amores
hoy esparce sus tiernos clamores
en la Pampa que duerme en la paz.

Esa gentil escultura
que a la Virgen fue copiada,
hoy ya se encuentra bañada
por un profundo dolor;
la magnánima dulzura
de su voz, casi no suena
y al sonar pinta la pena
que le ha causado el amor.

A los rayos del sol que iluminan
el sendero que va atravesando
con su llanto lo va tapizando
que en torrentes le brota al llorar.
El cabello en los hombros reposa,
de la boca, color rubicela
y es su talle gentil de gacela
lo sublime que deja extasiar.

Llámase Lola, la loca
del paisano condolida
y en el pago conocida
por una “loca de amor”.
A Marcelo le quería,
pero la patria adorada
lo llamó cuando ultrajada
se vio por el invasor.

Hace un año que el grito de guerra
a la tumba a Marcelo ha llevado
y de herencia en el mundo ha dejado
a la niña que loca volvió.
Pobre Lola, que tierna adoraba
sus primeros ardientes amores,
que son lacios los bellos fulgores
que el amor en su pecho dejó.

Un día que la locura
a su extremo había llegado,
Lola se había abrazado
la corona con ardor;
pero al abrazo tan fuerte
se la vio que se extinguía,
quedando en la tumba fría
muerta la loca de amor.

English: Mad With Love

On the wide spaces with bushy hills
where the countryman would spend his life,
alone wanders along the pampero[1] ground
a madwoman with a pale visage;
this fool who in former times
would inhabit loving hours
today spreads her tender moaning
in the peacefully asleep Pampa.

That gentle sculpture
made after the image of the Virgin
today it’s drenched
in deep grief;
the merciful sweetness of her voice
is barely heard anymore
and when it is, it paints the sorrow
caused by love.

To the light of the luminous sunrays
she goes, covering the path she traverses
with the weeping
that in torrents springs from her as she cries.
The hair rests on her shoulders,
from her mouth comes the colour of a dark ruby
and her sublime, fine waist
invites to go into ecstasies.

She’s called Lola, the madwoman
who feels sorry for the countryman
and is all over town known
to be mad with love.
She loved Marcelo
but the adored homeland
called for him when it saw itself
ravished by the invader.

It’s been a year now since the battle cry
took Marcelo to the grave
and handed down to the world
the child he maddened.
Poor Lola, she adored tenderly
her first ardent loves;
limp are the beautiful gleams
of the love left in her chest.

One day the madness
reached its extreme,
Lola had fervently embraced
the funeral wreath;
but to such a strong embrace
she was seen expire,
remaining on the cold grave,
dead, the lovefool.


  1. Pampero: South American cold wind. It blows from Antarctica, strongly felt in the Argentinean pampas (hence, its name), Uruguay and part of Brazil.

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