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Flor de Monserrat

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Flor de Monserrat (or Montserrat) (Flower of Monserrat) is the title of a milonga written by Vicente Planells del Campo. The music was composed by Juan Santini.




Juan Santini

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Vicente Planells del Campo

The poet presents the “Flower of Monserrat,“ loved and desired by all, a beautiful and kind woman who, however, ends up devoting her affections to religious life.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Flor de Monserrat

Por sus ojos color cielo
y sus dones de bondad
la llamaban “Virgencita“
en el barrio Monserrat.
Todos, todos la querían
y no hubo payador
que no cantara por ella
en el barrio del tambor.
Disputaban su cariño,
todos querían su honor
pero la Virgen del barrio
soñaba con otro amor.

Cuántas veces a sus rejas
perfumadas de jazmín
llegaron las serenatas
de uno y otro confín.
Marchitaron los jazmines,
ya no se oye la canción
en esas noches de luna
junto al pie de su balcón.
En todo el barrio se sabe
que la flor de Monserrat
ha entregado sus amores
a un Convento de Piedad.

English: Flower of Monserrat

Because of her sky-coloured eyes
and her gift for kindness
she was called “Little Virgin“
in the Monserrat neighbourhood.
Everyone loved her
and there was no payador
who didn’t break into song for her
in the Neighbourhood of the Drum[1].
They would fight over her affections,
they all seeked to own her virtue
but the neighbourhood’s Virgin
dreamt of a different love.

How many times did serenades
from all directions
arrive at the bars of her jasmine-scented gate...
The jasmines wilted,
the song is no longer heard
in those moonlit nights
by her balcony.
It is known in the whole neighbourhood
that the Flower of Monserrat
has devoted her love
to a Convent of Mercy.


  1. Barrio del Tambor: One of the names used to refer to the neighbourhood of Monserrat, because of the large number of african slaves who once lived there.

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