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Deja el mundo como está

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Deja el mundo como está (Leave the World As It Is) is the title of a tango written by Rodolfo Scammarella. The music was composed by Rodolfo Biagi.




Rodolfo Biagi

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Rodolfo Sciammarella

The poet speaks to a bitter man, a ranter who ridiculously pretends the world should change to fit his own expectations for a life at which he has already failed out of mediocrity and laziness.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Deja el mundo como está

Hoy sos un hombre descontento y amargado
después que has derrochado tu bienestar.
Te has convertido en enemigo de la vida
porque ella te convida a trabajar.
Por eso mismo es que todo te molesta
y se oye tu protesta por los demás.
Con el tono llorón de un agorero
decís que el mundo entero lo deben transformar.

Dejá el mundo como está,
que está hecho a la medida.
Dejá el mundo como está,
vos debés cambiar de vida.
Le querés poner rueditas...
¿Dónde lo querés llevar?
Sólo vos lo ves cuadrado
y redondo los demás.
Dejá el mundo como está,
con sus malas y sus buenas,
con sus dichas y sus penas...
¡Dejá el mundo como está!

¿Qué cosa buena has de encontrar a la deriva
o es que esperás de arriba tu porvenir?
Sólo se logran con trabajo y sacrificios
los grandes beneficios para vivir.
Al fin, tu queja es el clamor de un fracasado.
Ya me tenés cansado de oirte gritar
que anda el mundo al revés y está deshecho…
y vos, ¿con qué derecho lo pretendés cambiar?

English: Leave the World As It Is

Today you’re a miserable, bitter man,
having squandered your comfort.
You've become life’s enemy
because it invites you to work.
And that’s why everything bothers you
and you complain about everyone else.
With the whiny tone of a prophet of ill news
you say the whole world should be transformed.

Leave the world as it is,
it’s custom-made.
Leave the world as it is,
you should change your life.
You want to put little wheels on it...
Where do you want to take it?
You’re the only one who sees it square;
round, the rest of us.
Leave the world as it is,
with its bad and its good,
with its joys and its sorrows...
Leave the world as it is!

What good thing will you find floating adrift
or is it that you expect to get your future for free?
Only work and sacrifice bring
the big benefits in life.
In the end, your complaint is a failed man’s cry.
I’m tired of hearing you yell out
that the world is upside-down and torn apart...
and you, by what right do you intend to change it?


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