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Cuando llora la milonga

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Cuando llora la milonga (When the Milonga Cries) is the title of a tango written by María Luisa Carnelli in 1927. The music was composed by Juan de Dios Filiberto.




Juan de Dios Filiberto

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

María Luisa Carnelli

The whole neighbourhood, moved by a woman's sorrow over a lost love, accompanies her, along with a milonga and the sad grumble of the bandoneón.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Cuando llora la milonga

Sollozó el bandoneón
congojas que se van
con el anochecer.
Y como un corazón,
el hueco de un zaguán,
recoge la oración
que triste dice fiel mujer.

Lloró la milonga,
su antigua pasión,
parece que ruega
consuelo y perdón.
La sombra cruzó
por el arrabal
de aquel que a la muerte
jugó su puñal.

Dos viejos unidos
en un callejón,
elevan las manos
por su salvación.
Y todo el suburbio,
con dolor,
evoca un hondo
drama de amor.

Conmovió el arrabal
con largo estremecer
el toque de oración.
Con gran pena y sentimiento
dolor sentimental
embarga a la mujer
en tanto el bandoneón
reza de un querer.

English: When the Milonga Cries

The bandoneón wept
sorrows that the fall of night
takes away.
And just like a heart,
the hollow hallway
picks up a sad, faithful
woman’s prayer.

The milonga cried
over its old passion,
it seems to be begging
comfort and forgiveness.
The shadow went
through the arrabal
of he, whose dagger
played with death.

Two old people
together in an alley
raise their hands
to their salvation.
And all the suburb,
with grief,
evokes a deep
love drama.

The military call[1]
with its prolongued tremble
shook the arrabal.
With great sorrow and feeling,
sentimental pain
overcomes the woman
as the bandoneon
prays of a love.


  1. Toque de oración: One of the traditional calls for the Spanish Army.

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