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Cotorrita de la suerte

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Cotorrita de la suerte (Little Lucky Parrot) is the title of a tango written by José De Grandis in 1927. The music was composed by Alfredo De Franco.




Alfredo De Franco

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

José De Grandis


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Cotorrita de la suerte

¡Cómo tose la obrerita por las noches!
Tose y sufre por el cruel presentimiento
de su vida que se extingue y el tormento
no abandona su tierno corazón;
la obrerita juguetona, pizpireta,
la que diera a su casita la alegría,
la que vive largas horas de agonía
porque sabe que a su mal no hay salvación.

Pasa un hombre quien pregona:
"¡Cotorrita de la suerte!
Augura la vida o muerte.
¿Quiere la suerte probar?"
La obrerita se resiste
por la duda, temerosa,
y un papel de color rosa
la cotorra va a sacar.

Al leerlo su mirada se animaba
y temblando ante la dicha prometida
tan alegre leyó: Un novio, larga vida...
Y un sollozo en su garganta reprimió.
Desde entonces deslizáronse sus días
esperando al bien amado ansiosamente
y la tarde en que moría, tristemente,
preguntó a su mamita: ¿No llegó?

English: Little Lucky Parrot

How she coughs at night, the little working girl![1]
She coughs and suffers for the cruel presentiment
of her extinguishing life, and the torment
won’t leave her tender heart.
The playful little working girl, pizpireta,
the one who would bring joy to her house,
the one who goes through long hours of agony
because she knows there’s no salvation from her malady.

A man passes by hawking
“Little lucky parrot!
Will foretell life or death.
Who wants to test their fortune?”
The working girl resists
because she doubts, fearful,
and the parrot goes to draw
a pink-coloured paper.

Reading, her sight cheered up
and shaking from the promised joy,
so happy, she read: A boyfriend, long life...
And she held back a sob in her throat.
From then on her days glided by,
waiting anxiously for the loved one
and the afternoon she died, sadly,
she asked her mom: “Hasn’t he arrived?”


  1. Obrerita. Uno de los personajes del tango. Caracterización.

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