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¡Cielo! (literally Sky) is the title of a tango written by Mario Landi. The music was composed by Andrés Falgás.




Andrés Falgás

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Mario Landi

A man comes back exhausted to reproach his old love for all the pain she’s inflicted upon him and that time hasn’t been able to ease.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Cielo

Vida, cansado de sufrir te vengo a reprochar
por lo que me has brindado.
A golpes aprendí el odio y la maldad
aunque quise alejarlos.
Cielo, yo siento aquí un dolor
al sólo recordar que me dejaste así,
pero soy hombre y sé sufrir sin lagrimear.
Te lo demostraré.
Sufro porque se van los años,
cielo, y no te puedo alcanzar.
Sufro porque el amor que he soñado
nunca escuchó mi canto
y yo no puedo llorar.
Pienso, sondeando mi sufrir
por qué yo he de vivir
si todo ha terminado.
Mi orgullo lo perdí
y el miedo conocí
al verme abandonado.
Vida, quisiera renacer
mi pobre corazón
que ya no puede más.
Recuerdos del ayer
nublando mi razón
se agolpan al pasar.

English: Cielo[2]

Vida[1], tired of suffering I’ve come to reproach you
for what you have given me.
As much as I wanted to push them away,
I learnt the hard way all about hatred and malice.

Cielo, I feel pain here
just to remember how you left me,
but I’m a man and I know how to suffer without tearing up.
I will prove it to you.

I suffer because years go by,
cielo, and I can’t reach you.
I suffer because the love I’ve dreamt of
never heard my song,
and I can’t cry.

I wonder, sounding out my pain,
why I should live
if everything’s over.
I lost my pride
and met fear
when I saw myself abandoned.
Vida, I’d want to make my poor heart
be reborn
because it just can’t go on anymore.
Memories of yesterday
cloud my reason
as they crowd in and pass by.


  1. Vida: literally means ’life’ but is also used as a tearm of endearment.
  2. Cielo literally means ’sky’ or ’heaven’ but is also a common term of endearment among Spanish speakers; in this tango in particular, it might also connote the idea of someone or something that is far away and impossible to reach.

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