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Catorce primaveras

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Catorce primaveras (Fourteen Springs) is the title of a tango written by Julio Navarrine. The music was composed by Eduardo Pataro Conte.




Eduardo Pataro Conte

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Julio Navarrine

The poet sings of a fourteen year-old young lady who already dreams of love, in spite of the fact that all around her still consider her just a child.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Catorce primaveras

Catorce primaveras
y un sueño de mujer.
Un corazón que espera
y una sed de amar
que nadie quiere ver.
La tienen olvidada
los que la quieren más.
y es que no saben nada
de su padecer
sonriendo a las demás...

Le ahogan el cantar,
le apagan el pensar,
le niegan el sentir
y arruinan su perfil:
cabello a media espalda,
la cara sin un toque,
los zapatitos "Trotter"
y el traje de organdí...
No sé si es rubia sol
o si morocha es,
si es pálida su tez
o si es un arrebol...
Tan solo sé que sueña
y es linda y es porteña.
Pero en su sencillez
¡qué señorita es!

¡Catorce primaveras
y un solo suspirar!
Alondra mañanera
con un corazón
que empieza a despertar.
La gente considera
que aun tiene que esperar.
¡Pero ella desespera
como una ilusión
anclada en un soñar!

English: Fourteen Springs[2]

Fourteen Springs
and a woman’s dream.
A waiting heart
and a thirst for love
nobody wants to see.
Those who love her
ignore her.
They don’t know a thing
about her suffering
when she smiles at the other women...

They drown her song,
they put out her thoughts,
they deny her feeling
and ruin her features:
mid back length hair,
the face without a single touch of make up,
little “Trotter“[1] shoes
and the organdy gown...
I don’t know if she’s blonde as the sun
or brunette,
if her skin is pale
or if it’s blushing...
I only know she dreams,
that she is pretty and porteña.
But in all her simplicity,
what a young lady she already is!

Fourteen Springs
and one sigh!
Morning lark
with a heart
that begins to wake.
People consider
she must still wait.
But she despairs
like a hope
anchored to a dream!


  1. “Trotter“ was a well-known shoe brand name of the time.
  2. In Spanish it’s possible to metaphorically speak of years as “springs“. So, the title could further translate to "fourteen years".

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