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A mí me llaman Juan Tango

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A mí me llaman Juan Tango (They Call me Juan Tango) is the title of a tango written by Carlos Waiss in 1944. The music was composed by Tito Ribero.




Tito Ribero

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Carlos Waiss


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: A mí me llaman Juan Tango

Soy un mozo pobre y bueno
que en la vida me he curtido,
yo soy como siempre he sido
para todo franco y leal.
No debo ni a mí me deben
y si hay algo en mi pasado
yo bien sé que está borrado,
porque a nadie le hice mal.

A mí me llaman Juan Tango,
para qué voy a contar,
mi cuna fue un barrio pobre
humilde como es el pan,
traigo en los ojos antojos
de agua florida y percal.
Bajo el ala del chambergo
genio y figura de mi ciudad
a mí me llaman Juan Tango
para qué voy a contar.

Para mí todos son buenos
porque a golpes con la vida
me gusta que a mí me midan
lo mismo que mido yo.
Yo siempre he sido sencillo
y si el pasado me llama
con fragancia de retama
voy dejando mi canción.

English: They Call me Juan Tango

I’m a poor, good lad,
hardened in life.
I’m like I’ve always been,
for everything honest and loyal.
I don’t have debts and no one ows me a thing
and if there’s anything in my past
I know well it’s been erased
because I never did anybody wrong.

They call me Juan Tango,
what for should I tell the story!
My cradle was a poor neighbourhood,
humble as bread is,
I carry with my in my eyes
dreams of florida water[1] and percale.[2]
Beneath the chambergo’s wing,
genius and leading figure of my city.
They call me Juan Tango,
what for should I tell the story!

To me everyone is good
because I like to be judged
by life’s blows,
just like I judge others.
I’ve always been a simple man
and if the past calls for me
with a scent of broom
I quit my song and go.


  1. Popular cologne at the time.
  2. The mention of percale connotes his relationship with poor women, whose dresses where often made of such cheap but resistant material.

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