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Cuatro palabras

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Cuatro palabras (Four Words) is the title of a tango written and composed by Miguel Bucino. Lonely, sad and resigned, the poet cries over the happiness and love he once had. The finding of an old portrait of the loved one and a short message from her sharpens the pain.




Miguel Bucino

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Miguel Bucino


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Cuatro palabras

Noche sin calma y sin estrellas,
tú, tan sólo, escuchas mi canción.
Mis manos ya no buscan
las manos de aquélla,
y sólo existen penas en mi corazón.
Noche, me envuelves con tu sombra,
siento que te adentras más en mí.
Mis ojos se entrecierran,
mis labios la nombran,
y son mis penas, noches para ti.

Pude ser feliz y soy
por culpa mía, sí,
como una burla del tiempo ido,
quejas que se agrandan hoy
queriendo revivir
las esperanzas en mi corazón.
Para entristecerme más
en mi amargura cruel,
hallé en un sobre ya desteñido,
tu retrato con cuatro palabras:
“¡Amor, no te olvidaré!”

English: Four Words

Night without calm nor stars,
you're the only one listening to my song.
My hands don't seek
her hands anymore
and there's nothing but sorrows in my heart.
Night, you wrap me with your shadows,
I feel you coming deep into me.
My eyes close halfway,
my lips name her,
and my sorrows are nights to you.

I could be happy but I am
through my own fault, yes,
like a mockery of time gone by,
complaints enlarged today
wishing to bring
my heart's hopes back to life.
To make me even sadder,
in my cruel bitterness,
I found in a faded envelope
your picture and four words:
‘Love, I won't forget you!’[1]


  1. In the Spanish original the phrase consists of four words.

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