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Adiós, te vas

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¡Adiós, te vas…! (Goodbye, you’re leaving…!) is the title of a tango written by Cátulo Castillo in 1943. The music was composed by Egidio Pittaluga. His beloved has departed and the poet longs for her from a place where nothing is the same anymore. Among the memories remain the farewell and the image of the train which has taken her away and might, some day, bring her back to him.




Egidio Pittaluga

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Cátulo Castillo


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Adiós, te vas

Hoy que regresa tu silbato y el invierno
llama con voces sigilosas al ayer,
tendré encendida la luz de tu recuerdo
y desde el último andén te llamaré.
¡Bajate aquí!, bebé esta copa de ternura
que entre tu ausencia y mi locura corre el tren.
Corre el tren peregrino
por el viejo camino,
más allá del dolor,
más allá de mi amor,
más allá del destino.
Corre el tren peregrino
por el largo camino,
y en un sueño lejano
vendrás a mi mano
llenando el andén.
Será lo mismo, puede ser, pero en las cosas
hay una triste sensación de no sé qué…
Las mismas lluvias de ayer no dan más rosas,
Los mismos cielos de ayer no dan más fe.
¡Adiós, te vas…! Queda el saludo del pañuelo
con que agitabas tu desvelo desde el tren.

English: Goodbye, You’re Leaving

Today your whistle returns and Winter
calls out for yesterday in a hushed tone.
I will keep the light of your memory burning
and from the last platform I will call for you.
Get off here! Drink this glass filled with tenderness.
Between your absence and my madness, runs the train.

The pilgrim train runs
along the old road,
beyond pain,
beyond my love,
beyond destiny.
The pilgrim train runs
along the old road,
and in a distant dream
you will come to my hand,
filling the platform with your presence.

It might be the same, it’s possible, but in things
there’s a sad, imprecise feeling...
The same rain of yesterday doesn’t bring roses anymore,
the same skies of yesterday don’t give out any more faith.
Goodbye, you’re leaving...! Here remains the farewell gesture of the handkerchief
with which you shook your sleeplessness away from the train.


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