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Marcas (Marks) is the title of a tango written by Carlos Bahr. The music was composed by Héctor Artola.




Héctor Artola

Year of composition:


Lyrics writer(s):

Carlos Bahr

Even in his own face, the poet sees marks, tracks, constant reminders of a love that has left in his life nothing but rancour and pain.


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Marcas

Marcas que tu amor dejó en mi vida,
un rencor que no te nombra
y un dolor que no te olvida.
Saldo torturante de un pasado
que dejó de ser feliz
entre tus manos.

Marcas que dibujan en mi cara
este gesto que delata
las pasiones que me acosan
mientras a mi lado va la vida
embriagándose de amor
y de ilusión.

Rigor de tu desamor
que me dejó
para escarmiento
la marca de dos pasiones
que anulan mi vida
con fiero tormento.
Bajo un dolor que lastima
con puñales de recuerdo,
en chairas de tu abandono
afila mi encono
su terco rencor.

English: Marks

Marks that your love left in my life,
a resentment that doesn’t name you
and a pain that won’t forget you.
Torturing remainder of a past
that stopped being happy
in your hands.

Marks that draw on my face
this telling gesture
of the passions that harass me,
as life passes me by
getting drunk with love
and hope.

Severity of your indifference
that left me
as punishment
the mark of two passions
which destroy my life
with fierce torment.
Beneath a pain that hurts
with daggers of rememberance,
on the sharpeners of your abandonment
my spite sharpens
its stubborn rancour.


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