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Copas, amigas y besos

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Copas, amigas y besos (Cocktails, Friends and Kisses) is the title of a tango written by Enrique Cadícamo in 1944. The music was composed by Mariano Mores. The poet cries over the emptiness of his wealthy life. The arrival of his fortune blinded him and ended up causing the loss of the tender and sincere love of the poor nights of his former life.




Mariano Mores

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Enrique Cadícamo


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Copas, amigas y besos

Ella puso su grata tibieza
en mis noches de triste bohemia.
Ella puso sus flores de anemia
en mis horas de frío y pobreza.
Mas un día llegó la riqueza
y cambió nuestras vidas.
Por eso entre copas, amigas y besos
la perdí por mi mala cabeza.

Y hoy la llevo en mi negro lunatismo
como un grotesco fantasma de mí mismo.
Hoy la llevo en mis ojos doloridos
como una gota de llanto contenido.
Y la llevo, ¡Señor!,
como un eco que me sigue,
como un sueño hecho cenizas,
como un cargo de conciencia,
como un dedo acusador.

Sin embargo, hoy, que tengo riquezas,
me persigue implacable el hastío,
y es que añoro esas noches de frío
y el amor de su grata tibieza.
Ella puso sus flores de anemia
en mis sueños de locas fortunas.
Ella fue mi rayito de luna
que alumbraba mis noches bohemias.

English: Cocktails, Friends and Kisses

She lay her pleasant warmth
on my sad, bohemian nights.
She placed her anemic flowers
on my cold, poor hours.
But one day wealth came along
and changed our lives.
And so it was, that between cocktails, friends and kisses,
I lost her because of my recklessness.

Today I carry her in my black madness
as a grotesque phantom of myself.
Today I carry her in my painful eyes
as a drop of held-back weeping.
And I carry her, Lord!,
as an echo that chases me,
as a dream turned to ashes,
as a guilty feeling,
as an accusing finger.

However, today I have riches
but weariness chases me, implacable,
and it’s because I long for those cold nights
and the love of her pleasant warmth.
She placed her anemic flowers
on my dreams of crazy fortunes.
She was the little ray of moonlight
that lit up my bohemian nights.


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