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Anselmo Acuña, el resero

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Anselmo Acuña, el resero (Anselmo Acuña, the Herdsman) is the title of a tango written by Luis Caruso in 1943. The music was composed by Félix Laurenz and Pedro Casella.




Félix Laurenz
Pedro Casella

Year of composition:



Lyrics writer(s):

Luis Caruso


At the moment, there are no recordings for this song stored in the TangoWiki. If you have sources, add a new recording.


Spanish: Anselmo Acuña, el resero

Anselmo Acuña, el resero,
cuando se siente cantor
en su humildad de gorrión,
tiene el alma de un jilguero.
Ni lerdo, ni ventajero,
manso y fuerte como un buey
Anselmo Acuña, el resero,
es un criollo de ley.

Tropa, tropa, tropa,
no la llorés, corazón...

Hermanos de las estrellas
eran los ojos de aquélla,
dos trenzas de seda negra
coronaban su cabeza,
y era su boca una breva,
como una herida cereza.
Por qué que aumentar la tristeza...
no la llorés, corazón.

English: Anselmo Acuña, the Herdsman

Anselmo Acuña, the herdsman,
when he feels like a singer
in his sparrow humility
he has the soul of a goldfinch.
Not slow nor opportunistic,
rather tame and strong like an ox.
Anselmo Acuña, the herdsman,
is a criollo by law.

Herd, herd, herd,
don’t cry for her, heart...

Brothers with the stars
were her eyes,
two braids of black silk
crowned her head
and her mouth was an early fig,
like a wounded cherry.
Why make sadness bigger...
Don’t cry for her, heart.


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